Papers and such

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Process Paper

Sam Sheets

Everything in the universe has an opposite. Black has white. Right has wrong. And good has evil. With millions of do-gooders around this Earth, there must be their opposites. The diabolical people who instill and use hate and fear, and they have it just as hard as those so called do-gooders. Being a super villian isn't easy in this day and age with all the different types of heroes. You must be unique, powerful , a goal and intellegent to prevail. If you think you can just wing it, and see your dreams of destruction and mayhem come true, you've got another thing comin'!

Super villians doen't have the adjective super in the front of their name for no reason. You need to have a power or something special going for you to have other people put the word super in front of your title. There are many ways you can aquire a special skill, or you can even improve on one you already have. Some super villians have super powers. You gain this powers through many processes. You can be bit by a radioactive animal, gain them for a cosmic entity, invent or steal high-tech armor, or just wait and see if your body develops a natural mutation ( if you've surpassed puberty, the last option is out the window). If you're going to go the natural way, and duke out some trouble withouth powers, money may come in handy. With a lot of money you can create yourself or have someone else create a suite of armor or a high tech robotic suit to combat and create chaos. If you do gain powers, don't go to the streets with them right away. Wait a while and test them out and learn to control them. Once you have mastered your powers you may unleashe them upon the world.

A villian's presence and appearance are very important to their success. Creating a costume is the next step. Your costume must be a visual represtation of either your powers or you goal. If you don't have powers and created armor, makesure it reflects what it was created to do or help you do. Your costume must be easy for you to move it, incase one of your attempt to achieve your goals fails. Spandex always is a good option, however it is weak and you may get harmed if your powers can not protect you from any form of an attack. Helmets are good to protect your intellegent brain, and can look pretty frickin' cool. Remember when picking a material to make your costume out of, that the material must be able to withstand your awesome power, combat and the powers of others. Having a few differnet costumes may come in handy also, incase your accidentally ruin one. While in your costume, retain a look of fieroucity and confidence. A cry baby or whiner in spandex doesn't instill fear in the hearts of their foes.


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